On 27 May 2001 20:15:08 +0200, Fabio Stumbo wrote:
> > I have no problems to swallow asfsm, works like with any other window.
> > I used a usual (Swallow "asfsm" `Exec exec asfsm`).
> >
> > Please post your FvwmButtons config if you still have problems.
> Here is my config. Eventually I got it swallowed using the option
> "UseOld", but I can't understand why: I just tried randomly... :-(


> *FvwmButtons: (2x2, Frame 4, Swallow(UseOld) "asfsm" `Exec  asfsm \
>         -bp None -bg rgb:4/6/4 -fg rgb:9/9/0 \
>         -pbg rgb:4/6/4 -pfg rgb:f/f/0 -pbp None -i 60`)

I see that in your example, without UseOld asfsm is not swallowed.
This seems a problem of asfsm after all. :)

The man page of asfsm suggests "-i sec" to change a scanning interval.
But in fact, asfsm with -i starts iconic and immediately deiconifies
itself. This confuses FvwmButtons. So either don't use -i or use UseOld
or bother asfsm developers to conform to the man page or bother fvwm
developers to fix swalowing. A note, if I don't use UseOld and then
iconify/deiconify asfsm it is swallowed after this action.

> > I can't get raise_window/lower_window events in FvwmEvent at all.
> > Not using a module (FvwmTaskBar, FvwmConsole) not in any other way.
> >
> > It seems that lower_window event is not sent at all anywhere in the code.
> > Probably someone else knows more about this.
> That's very strange: with 2.2.4 I had raise/lower working fine in any
> case. Now (2.3.32) just the taskbar. Together with what you have, it
> doesn't seem very deterministic, like a copmuter program should be...

Don't underestimate a complexity of conditions in large programs.

I can only add that I do get raise_window events when I enter gnome
panel's subpanel, it asks (version 1.4) to raise itself when entered.
I also sometimes enter a mode when usual RaiseLower or Raise generate
raise_window. But right now they don't generate it while panel does.
And lower_window is simply not sent as I already mentioned.

I used for testing:

  *FvwmEvent-Test: Cmd "Exec xmessage"   # "Echo"
  *FvwmEvent-Test: raise_window "raise window"
  Module FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-Test
  #KillModule FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-Test

(I also currently have FvwmEvent-Sound with raise_window defined.)

I don't consider any of the problems in this message critical for 2.4.0.
They may be fixed later.

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