On 13 Jul 2001 13:15:34 -0500, demthu!fvwm.org!fvwm-bug wrote:
> new message incoming/740
> Subject: fvwm-2.4.0 fails to build on Digital UNIX V4.0E
> Full_Name: Bernhard Simon
> Version: 2.4.0
> CVS_Date: N/A
> OS: Digital UNIX V4.0E
> X_Server: N/A
> fvwm/module_interface.c fails to compile
> cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H ... -O -c module_interface.c
> cc: Warning: module_interface.c, line 1646: # not in column 1 \
>     is ignored, skipping to end of line. (ignoretokens)
>   #define is_valid_first_alias_char(ch) (isalpha(ch))
> --^
> cc: Warning: module_interface.c, line 1647: # not in column 1 \
>     is ignored, skipping to end of line. (ignoretokens)
>   #define is_valid_alias_char(ch) (is_valid_first_alias_char(ch) \
> --^
> Same problem on ULTRIX V4.5


> Remark: There seems to be a problem with FvwmIconBox on Digital UNIX
> V4.0E.
>    FvwmIconBox disappears (process dies) when trying to deiconify (double
>    click on an icon in the Box) a window. There is a similar report (Id 736).
>    Note: On AIX 3.2.5 this works as expected.

Do you get the same error message as in #736? I.e.:

FvwmIconBox: Cause of next X Error.
   Error: 2 (BadValue)
   Major opcode of failed request:  53 (CreatePixmap)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  0 
   Resource id of failed request:  0x0 
 Leaving a core dump now

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