On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 01:31:56PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> Dmitry, you use Pegasus Mail. I don't know whether you noticed, but this
> mailer is the only one (there is also /bin/mail) that does not support
> threads. When you get dozens of emails daily, threads are essential.
> Most mailers (I can list 20) support In-reply-to: header (used to
> show threads), some also support References: header (this is used by mail
> archives to add links to related messages, usually to all parents).
> Take a look at http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/archive/0107/threads.html .
> You always start a new thread although most of messages are Re: ones.

Perhaps you should consider using mutt.  It can even identify the
correct thread without one of those headers (I guess it's using
the subject).  Although it's not perfect (such mails are always
shown as a reply to the first mail in the thread), at least you
get the mails sorted into threads:

   Jul-29  To fvwm-workers  What to do for next release?
   Jul-30  To fvwm-workers  |->
   Aug-02  To fvwm-workers  | `->
   Aug-04  To fvwm-workers  |   `->
   Aug-04  To fvwm-workers  `*>

The last line shows a reply without thread information (indicated
by the asterisk).


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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