
    I've made a patch which implements a simple "if-else" syntax.

    A new "Otherwise" command is introduced (wouldn't clash with possible
future syntax enhancements, right?), which executes supplied command only if
previous command was unsuccessful.  So the syntax is:

AddToFunc "Do-this-or-that"
+ "I" Next (SomeProggie) Close
+ "I" Otherwise SomeProggie

(this implements Dominik's example of "if some window exists, kill it,
otherwise start it").

    Each command may return a True/False value, which defaults to "True".
This logic is implemented in execute_complex_function(), which sets the
"current return value" to True before calling a command.  There's no change
in command calling conventions, since "return value of this command" and
"return value of previous command" are global variables (sic!).  Changed are
only conditional commands, which set return value to False when
unsuccessful.  I also investigated if it would be possible to place these
two vars into exec_func_args_type, but those structs aren't passed between

    Since return values are stored in global vars,
execute_complex_function() saves previous state and restores it on exit.
Unfortunately, it contained a number of returns, which had to be replaced
with "goto END_OF_FUNCTION" (I wish C had Ada/Perl "break from a block"

    Of course, calling "Otherwise" outside a complex function is senseless.

    Man page modification isn't included.

       Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov  |  Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
       phone (383-2)-39-49-56     |  The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
                                  |  Lab. 5-13
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