On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 08:28:54PM +0700, Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov wrote:
> >     Hi!
> > 
> >     This patch deals with "withdrawing" Wharf to corners and with
> > in which direction panels should open.
> Appliet.  BTW, could you please include ChangeLog entries with
> your patches?

        Ok.  For this one it is "Make FvwmWharf use current Xinerama
screen for choosing in which direction to slide panels and for withdrawn
position calculation" (khm, a bit too long, shame on me...).

> >     BTW, there's a strange error in drawing the panel's host button.
> > When a vertical Wharf is at the right border (and a panel slides to the
> > left), after a panel completely appears, the host button is "in two
> > halves": the right half is "pressed", while the left one is "depressed".
> Can you post a config to demonstrate this?

        Well, that's just AnotherLevel.  I append all "*FvwmWharf" lines
in m4-preprocessed form at the end of this mail (long lines are marked
with "\"s).

> >     Presence of this effect depends on X server, but I can 100%
> > reproduce it in Xnest ran on Matrox G450 under XFree86 4.0.3 (RH7.1,
> > AnotherLevel).  Interestingly, on the host server itself the effect seems
> > to be 100% unreproducible.  I can post a screenshot of this effect if
> > required.
> You're using XNest?  Usually I don't debug problems with XNest
> which seems to have a lot of bugs.  Did you ever see this with a
> real X server?

        Yes.  It is the same problem which was 100% reproducible with
2.3.28 under XFree86 3.3.2 with Matrox Millenium II (that was my previous
machine).  And it is still reproducible under XFree86 4.0.3 on our 
4-monitor PC (Matrox G450DualHead + 2 x Millenium II), the same problem on
any head.  That machine has RedHat 6.2 (kernel 2.2.16) with glibc-2.1.3.
Ummmm...  Actually, I ran fvwm over a 100Mbit Ethernet from another
machine, and my oldie was P166MMX; so, maybe there's some timing problem?

---- CUT HERE ----
Style "FvwmWharf" StaysOnTop,Sticky, WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, \
ClickToFocus, NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0
*FvwmWharfGeometry      -0+0
*FvwmWharfColumns       1 
*FvwmWharfTextureType   255
*FvwmWharfBgColor       gray51
*FvwmWharf AfterStep AfterStep.xpm Folder
*FvwmWharf Shutdown  ShutDown.xpm  Quit
*FvwmWharf xlock KeysOnChain.xpm FvwmForm XLock
*FvwmWharf ~Folder
*FvwmWharf xclock nil Swallow "xclock" xclock -bg "#8e8a9e" -fg \
"#00003f" -geometry 45x45-1-1 -padding 0 &
*FvwmWharf xbiff  nil Swallow "xbiff" xbiff -bg "#8e8a9e" -fg \
"#00003f" -geometry 45x45-1-1 &
*FvwmWharf xload  nil Swallow "xload" xload -nolabel -hl black -bg \
"#8e8a9e" -geometry 48x48-1-1 &
*FvwmWharf xload  nil Exec xterm -ut -T top -e top &
*FvwmWharf Pager nil Swallow "FvwmPager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
*FvwmWharf xterm monitor-check.xpm  Exec xterm -bg black -geometry \
80x25 -sl 500 -sb -ls -T 'xterm: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' &
*FvwmWharf emacs text.xpm Exec emacs &

*FvwmWharf gimp 3dpaint.xpm Exec gimp &

*FvwmWharf pine writeletter.xpm Exec xterm -T "pine" -e pine &
*FvwmWharf Netscape netscape3.xpm Exec netscape &
*FvwmWharf Recycler  recycler.xpm  Restart fvwm2
---- CUT HERE ----

          Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
          The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

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