In my eyes, implementing contitional styles breaks up into three
things: features, performance and design of the code.  Here are my

 1) Possible features

     - Regular expression matching in styles.
     - Tell fvwm to only match by name or by icon name or by
       resource or by class.
     - Styles tied to window ids (some kind of enhanced window
       state); destroy when the window dies.
     - Styles depending on window state, e.g. styles that are
       applied to maximized or sicky windows.  This offers much
       more flexibility for individual windows.
     - ...

 2) Performance

     - State dependent styles may cause serious performance
       problems since the window's style has to be checked
       whenever its state changes.  Perhaps it's possible to give
       each window a flags structure that marks which states do
       not use the default style?

 3) Design of the code

     - Clean and easy to understand.  I'd prefer to keep only a
       single list of styles.
     - There must be some way to find out which parts of the
       window style have to be changed when the window state
       changes.  Otherwise, state changes would become visually
       unpleasant (the whole window is redecorated).

Any comments, more features, states, etc.?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LifeBits Aktiengesellschaft, Albrechtstr. 9, D-72072 Tuebingen
fon: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-0, fax: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-20
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