Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
uname output: SunOS silver 5.5.1 Generic_103640-38 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS: -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int
prefix: /u/phippst/sunos

FVWM Version:   2.5.1
FVWM_MODULEDIR: /u/phippst/sunos/libexec/fvwm/2.5.1
FVWM_DATADIR:   /u/phippst/sunos/share/fvwm
FVWM_USERDIR:   /u/phippst/.fvwm

        I have a panel that hangs on a window with a border and titlebar.
        When the panel is up it looks fine but shading it leaves something
        behind. Lowering the window leaves bits on top of other windows.


*Buttons: (Title (Side) " " Icon mini/mail.xpm Panel (Respawn Steps 0 \
   Position Module Left 25 0) "Mail & Newsgroups" "Exec mozilla -mail")

        It's not mozilla, xterms have the same problem. It's like some of the
        fvwm windows around the client are getting seperated from the parent.

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