On 03 Mar 2002 08:25:33 +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 05:29:02PM +1030, Alex Wallis wrote:
> > FVWM CVS wrote:
> > > 
> > > * Fixed Xinerama placement of WindowList.
> > 
> > That fix for WindowList works beautifully.
> > Any chance you can apply the same principle to the menus that popup when
> > you select the More.. option in the window-ops menu with fvwm-themes? On
> > the second xinerama screen the MoveToPage, Group Operations, Window
> > Style, etc..., menus popup on the primary screen for me. 
> Can you give exact instructions to reproduce this bug?  For me,
> all continuation menus are placed on the same screen as the
> parent, but I dind't use fvwm-themes.

I may provide the relavant (slightly modified) config, but I have a single
screen, so I don't know whether it is enough to reproduce the problem.

Mouse 1         1       A       Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
Mouse 3         TSF     A       Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowOps2
+ "Restore      Alt-F6%menu/window.xpm%"           FuncFvwmRestore
+ "&Move        Alt-F7%menu/window-move.xpm%"      Move
+ "&Resize      Alt-F8%menu/window-resize.xpm%"    Resize
+ "&Iconify     Alt-F9%menu/window-iconify.xpm%"   Iconify
+ "Ma&ximize    Alt-F10%menu/window-maximize.xpm%" Maximize
+ "R&aise       Alt-F5%menu/window-raise.xpm%"     RaiseLower
+ "" Nop
+ "&Close       Alt-F4%menu/window-close.xpm%"     Close
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify     Alt-F11%menu/window-identify.xpm%" Module FvwmIdent
+ "More&...     Alt-F3%menu/window.xpm%"      Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps This 0 0

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowOps "Window Operations" Title
+ "&Move%menu/window-move.xpm%"                 Move
+ "&Resize%menu/window-resize.xpm%"             Resize
+ "(De)&Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%"       Iconify
+ "(Un)Ma&ximize%menu/window-maximize.xpm%"     Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade%menu/window-shade.xpm%"            WindowShade
+ "(Un)Stick%menu/window-stick.xpm%"            Stick
+ "R&aise%menu/window-raise.xpm%"               Raise
+ "&Lower%menu/window-lower.xpm%"               Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "&Delete%menu/window-delete.xpm%"             Delete
+ "&Close%menu/window-close.xpm%"               Close
+ "Destroy%menu/window-destroy.xpm%"            Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "Move to Page%menu/window-move.xpm%"          Popup MenuFvwmWindowMove
+ "Group Operations%menu/windows.xpm%"          Popup MenuFvwmWindowGroupOps
+ "Window Style%menu/window.xpm%"               Popup MenuFvwmWindowStyle
+ "Maximize Window%menu/window-maximize.xpm%"   Popup MenuFvwmWindowMaximize
+ "Refresh Window%menu/refresh.xpm%"            Popup MenuFvwmWindowRefresh
+ "Rearrange All%menu/refresh.xpm%"             Popup MenuFvwmRearrangeWindows
+ "Window Utility%menu/utility.xpm%"            Popup MenuFvwmWindowUtility
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify%menu/window-identify.xpm%"          Module FvwmIdent
+ "Switch to...%menu/windows.xpm%"              WindowList

DestroyMenu  MenuFvwmWindowMove
AddToMenu    MenuFvwmWindowMove "Move to ..." Title
+ "Page         &Right%menu/window-move.xpm%"   AnimatedMove w+100 w
+ "Page         &Left %menu/window-move.xpm%"   AnimatedMove w-100 w
+ "Page         &Down %menu/window-move.xpm%"   AnimatedMove w w+100
+ "Page         &Up   %menu/window-move.xpm%"   AnimatedMove w w-100
+ "" Nop
+ "Desk         0%menu/window-move.xpm%"        MoveToDesk 0 0
+ "Desk         1%menu/window-move.xpm%"        MoveToDesk 0 1
+ "Desk         2%menu/window-move.xpm%"        MoveToDesk 0 2
+ "Desk         3%menu/window-move.xpm%"        MoveToDesk 0 3

DestroyMenu  MenuFvwmWindowGroupOps
AddToMenu    MenuFvwmWindowGroupOps "Resource Group Ops" Title
+ "&Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%"   Pick All ($r) Iconify on
+ "De&Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%" Pick All ($r) Iconify off
+ "&Shade%menu/window-shade.xpm%"       Pick All ($r) WindowShade on
+ "Un&Shade%menu/window-shade.xpm%"     Pick All ($r) WindowShade off
+ "R&aise%menu/window-raise.xpm%"       Pick All ($r) Raise
+ "Lo&wer%menu/window-lower.xpm%"       Pick All ($r) Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "&Delete%menu/window-delete.xpm%"     Pick All ($r) Delete
+ "&Close%menu/window-close.xpm%"       Pick All ($r) Close
+ "Destroy%menu/window-destroy.xpm%"    Pick All ($r) Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "Quick Move To ...%menu/window-move.xpm%" Popup MenuFvwmWindowGroupQuickMove

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowStyle
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowStyle "Window Style" Title
+ "%menu/window.xpm%TitleAtTop"    Pick (CirculateHit) Style $n TitleAtTop
+ "%menu/window.xpm%TitleAtBottom" Pick (CirculateHit) Style $n TitleAtBottom
+ "%menu/window.xpm%Title"         Pick (CirculateHit) Style $n Title
+ "%menu/window.xpm%NoTitle"       Pick (CirculateHit) Style $n NoTitle
+ "" Nop
### long menu stripped

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowMaximize
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmWindowMaximize "Maximize Window" Title
+ "%menu/window-maximize.xpm%Maximize Fully     Alt-F10" Maximize On 100 100
+ "%menu/window-maximize.xpm%Unmaximize         Alt-F10" Maximize Off
+ "" Nop
### long menu stripped

XineramaSls False   # there is also a choice for True here in fvwm-themes
Xinerama True

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