On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 10:44:07AM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 17 Jun 2002 12:11:10 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > 
> > The message from Malte Schuenemann made me think about the
> > configure summary we have.  His question demonstrates a common
> > problem:  some library option is disabled and the user wonders
> > what it is good for in the first place.  Even I don't know which
> > features are disabled if a certain option is turned off.  Let's
> > take a look:
> The problem is this. Every support line including a descriptive name and a
> descriptive error message should be on a single line. Otherwise you end up
> with a lot of lines to be able to read anything. You may probably add one
> more character to an option name and one more character to an error
> message, but it is already 79 or 80 in some cases.

> > I'm not sure how to provide some additional information.  The
> > config summary should fit on a single screen, but it won't with
> > all the new text.  How about putting a note at the end of the
> > summary:
> > 
> >   For a full explanation of above options, run
> >     ./configure --help-summary
> > 
> > and dump the full descriptions with the --help-summary option?
> No, it should say, "See INSTALL.fvwm for the full option description".

Hm.  This is technically correct, but I'm not sure it would be
very helpful.  You see, what I'm concerned about is providing the
necessary information that users don't have to ask "Do I need
xyz?" - and provide it in the most comfortable way.  Many people
(including me) don't like to browse through all the documentation.
I'm not even sure myself what's in the INSTALL.fvwm file.  And
finally, if the information is in a separate file, we have to
maintain that file too.  Until now I've never even thought about
updating INSTALL.fvwm myself.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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