On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 03:16:36PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 09 Nov 2002 16:00:06 -0500, Dan Espen wrote:
> > 
> > Don't forget FvwmCommand.
> Yes, it should not be forgotten.
> I think it should be replaced with a new command line utility fvwm-exec.
> I would like to find a way to do it without FvwmCommandS similarly to how
> fvwm-root tells fvwm it changed a root image. I may check whether it is
> possible to communicate using X dirrectly and, if yes, will do it later.

Scripting by using roundtrips to the X server?  I don't think that
is a good idea.  On one hand it is far slower than even the
current module interface.  And on the other hand it creates a lot
of problems with permissions and opens even more security holes.

> fvwm-commands is a good name too since it will read multiple commands
> either from a file (-f file) or stdin (unless -c "cmd" option is given).
> Which name do you prefer: fvwm-commands, fvwm-command, fvwm-cmd,
> fvwm-send, fvwm-exec? I prefer fvwm-exec or fvwm-commands.
> Later we may add an fvwm command RemoteCommands on|off|restricted.
> The default may be "restricted" that disables Exec, PipeRead and modules
> with "/" in the path. But on the other hand it may be confusing that Read
> is allowed and PipeRead is not, so other default would be ok for me too.
> If the default is "on" then, in addition to removing FvwmCommand/,
> FvwmConsole may be removed as well (it is just "xterm -name FvwmConsole
> -e fvwm-exec").


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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