Jan Martinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello,
> I have fvwm-2.4.13.
> It seems to me that numeric keypad is ignored, this is what I tried:
> 1) In XF86Config commented out 
> #  Option       "XkbLayout" "cz"
> to make sure only US keyboard layout is turned on
> 2) my .xinitrc has the only line
> exec fvwm2
> 3) I wrote only these two lines in my .fvwm2rc
> Key KP_1           A       CM      Exec exec xterm
> Key 2           A       CM      Exec exec rxvt
> By pressing Alt+Ctrl+2 (not numeric) I can start rxvt
> But I am unable to start xterm any way. I tried to run
> xev
> and it confirmes that the key I am pressing on numeric
> keypad really is KP_1.
> On the console I get error message
> [FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<ERROR>> No such key: KP_1
> Does KP_number have a different name?

Oops, sorry, I typed this yesterday, but forgot to send it:

The command parses and works OK for me.
However, I've never been happy with the default keymaps and
I do use modmap to make this change:

keycode 119=End KP_1

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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