Please accept my apologies for submitting this as a bug.  When I created
a minimal .fvwm2rc file, I noticed that before I was using a shell
script (for FvwmEvent: Cmd) to prepend the path to my sound files to the
file names given for events.  I did this to get around FvwmEvent's lack
of a Dir option (like what FvwmAudio has).  With the minimal
configuration file, I used ``Exec /usr/bin/esdplay'' for FvwmEvent's Cmd
and the full path to the sound files for events and I am now unable to
reproduce the problem.

Again, I apologize for taking up Dominik's time and that of anyone else
who may have looked into this.  I'll try to be more observant in the
future.  Thanks.

Norvell Spearman
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