Marcus Lundblad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Here is the patch for the new styles:
> Closable, Iconifiable, Maximizable and AllowMaximizeFixedSize
> and conditionals
> Closable, Iconifiable and Maximizable
> The style AllowMaximizeFixedSize turns on and off the possibility to
> maximise windows that are fixed size (ie. the function Resize is not
> allowed).

Well, I finally got around to applying this one.
I did some tests and it seems to work as advertised.

That reminds me, the "tests" directory is not being updated.
There will never be a 2.6 unless there is an adequate set of

I had a question about this wording in the man page:

.IR AllowMaximizeFixedSize
enables the function 
.I Maximize
to be performed on windows that are not resizable, unless maximisation
has been disabled either using the style 
.I Unmaximizable
or throuth WM hints,
This on by default.
.IR DisallowMaximizeFixedSize
disables the function 
.I Maximize
for all windows that are not resizable.
Note that some applications set the window's minumum and maximum size
the same and and expect this to mean that the size is fixed.
This style forbids maximisation of such windows.

The last 2 sentences seem to say the same thing, and seem to
be out of place. Since this is disabling maximization, I don't
thing anything is necessary.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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