On 04 Apr 2003 17:38:08 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> 3) And don't forget that the old web page needs some updates too.  At
>    least it has to have a page with the logo contest rules.

I think we will just switch to the new web site till May 1.
So probably announcements should wait a bit until a new design is ready,
It is ok if some pages would be still html for some time.

Another optional item in your plan:

4) Gather photos of the developers.

I already have photos of 9 developers. :)
(But not Olivier, Dan, Dominik, although I know how the last 2 look.)

Please every developer who ever contributed a patch (even it was not
really applied) or anyone who posted more than 20 messages on this list
(Neil Zanella, anyone?), send a close-up photo or two to me.

I don't really know yet what we will do with them.
Probably show on Juny 1.

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