On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 16:26:54 +0200
Uwe Pross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 30 Apr 2003 at 14:29:16 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > The page is initially displayed with the "window" using all the
> > available page width.  When the pager frame is loaded, the window
> > shrinks to make room for the pager.  I don't see it with mozilla
> > 1.2.1 here (fast connection), but with 1.0 on my ISDN line.
> I think this can be hardly avoided with gecko. Netscape4.x
> starts render the table if it got all image and text
> information this avoids the layout change you described but
> displays nothing until all contents have been loaded. Gecko
> starts rendering even it has not all information. 

        I think we have to play the same trick we did with the pager icons, and
explicitly speciy the width of the pager border table at the top of
insert_pager_navigation(). Then the browser will know how much
horizontal space to reserve for the pager.

        This may take a little trial and error to get the width just right.
I'll commit a change in a little bit, and we can see how it looks.

        It can't be perfect, because we'll always be somewhat at the mercy of
the user's fonts. The width only specifies a minimum width. If the
browser needs more room to fit all the elements in, it'll expand it. So,
if one of the desk titles requires more space than we allowed, the table
will expand (but not as much).

        So, Dominik, after I commit the change, see if you notice any


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