On 13 Oct 2003 09:12:44 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 03:36:51PM +0300, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > I suggest these colorset usability things:
> > 
> > 1) New colorset option "Clear" or "NoEffects" depending on what it does
> > that removes all effects from a colorset, it may be aproximately
> > equivalent to:
> > 
> >   Colorset N NoDither, \     # not sure about this one
> >     Tint, fgTint, bgTint, Alpha, fgAlpha, IconTint, IconAlpha, \
> >     Plain, NoShape, fg, bg   # not sure about these 4
> > 
> > This is intended to be used in dynamical configurations as in:
> > 
> >   Colorset N Clear, fg .., bg .., VGradient ..  # set completely new colors
> > 
> > I.e. it either resets all effects leaving only fg/bg/image/gradient or
> > resets everything. Both are ok for me. Probably reseting everything is
> > preferred. In this case Clear may work like CleanupColorsets just on a
> > single colorset.
> I prefer resetting individual options with the '!' prefix:
>   Colorset n !bgTint, !fgAlphaa, ...

The resetting already works if you don't suply an argument in any
option like fgTint (reset to none), fgAlpha (reset to 0), fg (reset to
black), sh (recalculated from bg), fgsh (recalculated from fg+bg).
We don't need to invent new syntax here.

I only want a shortcut "Clear" instead of specifying a dozen of options
like shown above (and in the future we will have more such options).

> > 2) It seems to me that whenever I do "Tint color percent" I always want
> > to do "bgTint color percent" too, otherwise the sh/hi colors look
> > incorrectly. So I think, "Tint" should also set "bgTint". If someone
> > really wants the current behaviour (doubtly), he may always reset
> > "bgTint", i.e. "Tint cyan 20, bgTint". For most of cases bgTint will be
> > redundant with this proposal.
> > 
> > 3) It seems to me that whenever I do "Transparent" or "RootTransparent"
> > I always want to do "bg average" after that. I remember the last time we
> > discussed this it was rejected, since it takes time to evaluate average.
> > However most of users will need to do it anyway, just explicitely.
> > I think "bg average" should be implicetely set after every background
> > image/gradient/transparent change.
> @2,3:  This kind of automagically setting options when something
> else is used has caused me great pain in the past:
>   - The result depends on the order of commands:
>       Colorset n Tint x, bgTint y
>     is not the same as
>       Colorset n bgTint y, Tint x
>   - The above is confusing for the user
>   - It's often impossible to enhance the featureset without
>     breaking compatibility (e.g. see the new focus policy styles).
>   - It's much more difficult to change later.

Such argument would be right if not one fact. In 99% of cases the user
does not want a separate bgTint. Having a separate bgTint is confusing.
It is much less confusing to always do just:

  Colorset n Tint blue 15

and get the needed result. Similarly this removes the tint (and bgTint):

  Colorset n Tint

So I suggest either to remove a separate bgTint option completely or make
it invisible to the user. If you are still not convinced, suppose that in
the future we add shTint and hiTint, and they are not autocalculated,
then it is "Tint red 20, bgTint red 20, shTint red 20, hiTint red 20"
just to tint anything, because the old code "Tint red 20, bgTint red 20"
does not now do what is expected for shadow colors. This is bad.

There are by definition fields (like sh, fgsh or bgTint) that should be
automagically set. The user usually does not worry about sh and fgsh, it
gets them for free. The same should be done with bgTint.

> In my eyes, a big fat comment in the man page should do.
> > I think this may be solved nicely in this way. Initially or after "Clear"
> > or after "bg average", bg is set to be "average"-ed on every background
> > change, hovewer after explicit bg setting, the auto-averaging is off.

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