Dominik Vogt wrote:
The patch looks nice and simple, and I think I will apply it.  My
only concern is that it does not do any boundary checks.

  Reasonable.  I can add some boundary-checking.

It should:

 - Check for negative and zero thickness.

  I didn't want to do this, because I thought that those were
reasonable.  Zero works, and behaves as you would expect.  It
makes the button "flat".  Do you want me to explicitly disallow
this method of making the button flat, so that it must be done
as a button style?

  As to negative, that doesn't work as expected, but I would've
expected that to act as "Reverse" causes, and if it worked should
be valid.  I also asked for any help in figuring out why that
doesn't work.  Do you want me to just ignore it, so that if you
want them sunken, you must Reverse either icon or normal?  This
prevents you from being able to reverse all states, correct?
What if someone wanted to do that?

 - Limit the thickness to what fits in a button (you do not want
   to allow relief thickness 25000 in a button that is 10 pixels

  Right.  This is reasonable.  I'll take a look at how to do

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  Can do.  :-)  Thanks for the policy statement.

                          - Chris
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