On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 01:31:12AM -0700, Jason Weber wrote:
> I used XQueryPointer in the prototype.  If there's no objection,
> I can just put something similar back in.

I have no objections, but we need to add some protocol to inform
FvwmProxy about which modifiers to watch.  Perhaps something like

  SendToModule FvwmProxy Show ReleaseModifiers <modifiers> <action>

where <modifiers> is a modifier string as in the Mouse command (I
think there is some parsing stuff in libs/Bindings.c) and <action>
is either "Abort" or "Activate current proxy" (or whatever we
called this functionality).

It would be good to not poll the pointer constantly but only when
a message from fvwm arrives, or once per second otherwise.

> On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 03:31:12AM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 02:10:39AM -0700, Jason Weber wrote:
> > > It looks like key release bindings are gone.  Is there a workaround to 
> > > get this
> > > or does anyone have a suggestion on how I can fix this?
> > 
> > I wish I knew a good way to do this.  Key release bindings froze
> > fvwm or FvwmProxy too often to be usefull (e.g. if you opened a
> > menu with the key held down and released it before closing the
> > menu).  So I removed the code again.
> > 
> > I really like the flexibility of remote controlling FvwmProxy via
> > "SendToModule", but it doesn't work on key release.  It's
> > virtually impossible to guarantee no key realeas events are lost
> > unless the keyboard is grabbed, but then either fvwm or FvwmProxy
> > grabs it and the other will freeze (well, if FvwmProxy is remote
> > controlled, it does not need keyboard input, but then we still
> > have to prevent fvwm from running arbitrary functions).
> > 
> > One solution might be to let fvwm pass a keycode to FvwmProxy.
> > The module could actively watch the state of the key and close if
> > it has been released.  To keep the code simple, we could allow
> > just modifiers (which are easier to watch).
> > 
> > > If the focus isn't on a proxy, will FvwmProxy get any alternate
> > > indication of the alt release?
> > 
> > Not from fvwm.  
> > 
> > > I don't suppose the event will hit an X KeyPress.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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