On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 10:58:11PM -0700, Jason Weber wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 11:32:49AM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 05, 2004 at 11:43:25AM -0700, Jason Weber wrote:
> > > Maybe I need an example.  Do you mean to deactivate it or change
> > > the command string dynamically?
> > 
> > No, I meant to tell FvwmProxy
> > 
> >  * Which modifier key to watch for
> Can do.
> >  * If FvwmProxy should be aborted when the key is released or if
> >    the selected window whould be activated
> That's what the 'command' does, presumably Hide or Abort.
> Going back to your original example, to tag it onto Show,

> I'd also have to tag it onto Next, Prev, ShowToggle, and
> Circulate.

Why?  You only need to tell FvwmProxy once when it's initially

Well, I suggest we start with the basics:

 * Add the code to configure the modifier to release via a module
   config line.
 * Add the code to watch for the modifier release and take the
   appropriate action.

Once this is done, we can think more about the fvwm/FvwmProxy
interface.  I assume the picture gets clearer when we have some
code to look at.

> And aside from the
> repetition, that gets pretty ugly on Circulate because it auto-appends
> " SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark".
> Key Tab A M SendToModule FvwmProxy Circulate \
>       ScanForWindow East South (CurrentPage !Sticky) <some delimiter?> \
>       OnModifierRelease M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide
> If it's not different per each activation method, it seems 
> flexible enough to do
> *FvwmProxy: Action ModifierRelease M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide
> Otherwise, Circulate gets too messy and I would expect we would have
> to force people to use a bunch of functions
> AddToFunc CirculateForward
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy ScanForWindow East South (CurrentPage !Sticky) \
>       SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy OnModifierRelease M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide
> AddToFunc CirculateBackward
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy ScanForWindow West North (CurrentPage !Sticky) \
>       SendToModule FvwmProxy Mark
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy OnModifierRelease M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide
> AddToFunc MyShowToggle
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy ShowToggle
> + I SendToModule FvwmProxy OnModifierRelease M SendToModule FvwmProxy Hide
> Key Tab     A   M   CirculateForward
> Key Tab     A   SM  CirculateBackward
> Key Escape  A   M   MyShowToggle
> And make OnModifierRelease a one-shot.  And no auto-append.
> I don't know.



Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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