On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 01:33:04AM +1000, Scott Smedley wrote:
> > > >  1 When you click a button, it is drawn in the original colours as
> > > >    long as the mouse button is held.  Shouldn't it also use the
> > > >    HoverColorset?
> > 
> > Currently, the Active{Colorset,Title,Icon} are used. If none are
> > specified then Colorset, Title & Icon are used. The effect you
> > describe is achievable by setting PressColorset to the same colorset
> > as your ActiveColorset (formerly HoverColorset). I'm undecided if
> > this is the right behaviour ...
> I think this is the right behaviour - it's the main reason we have
> PressColorset, PressIcon & PressTitle in the first place. It doesn't
> make sense to override them with the Active* options.
> Things get complicated when no Press* options are specified, but the
> current behaviour is still coherent when a button is waiting for a
> window to popup (& the active button could be elsewhere).


But with the latest patch, almost all the bugs I fixed a couple of
days are back (which is no big surprise as most or all of the code
I changed is gone).

 1) After clicking on a button it is no longer hilighted.

 2) Press mouse button 1 on a button without releasing it.  It now
    is drawn with PressColorset.
    Press button 2 without moving the mouse to cancel the action.
    ==> the button is drawn using the normal colorset while it
    should use the ActiveColorset.

 3) Press and hold a mouse button over a button.  It gets
    hilighted as it should.  Then move the pointer out of the
    button into another button.
    ==> It is still hilighted and sunken, but should be raised and
    not hilighted.

 4) Same as (3), but move the pointer out of the FvwmButtons

Would you please consider backing out your latest changes and redo
them without removing the code I wrote?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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