On 2/11/06, Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2006 16:48:49 +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >
> > On 10 Feb 2006 08:25:41 +0000, Nick Fortune wrote:
> > >
> > > You'd write
> > >
> > >     AliasModule FvwmButtons MonitorPanel
> > >     DestroyModuleConfig MonitorPanel
> > >     *MonitorPanel: (1x1, Swallow 'asclock' 'Exec exec asclock')
> > >     # ...
> > >     AddToFunc StartFunction
> > >     + I Module MonitorPanel
> >
> > This is an option to consider, before redesigning the module interface.
> > However, this syntax will require 2 lines for launching every module,
> > AliasModule and Module, instead of just Module. And we also need
> > UnaliasModule. I.e. now the user should predeclare all module instances
> > he wants to use. I should rething this idea first before agreeing or
> > disagreeing with it.
> Another serious problem with this suggestion is that now we start to
> manipulate with strings like "ColourTable" or "MonitorPanel" and have no
> any idea whether they are actually FvwmButtons, FvwmForm, FvwmScript,
> FvwmGtk or maybe even FvwmEvent. And these are very different modules
> with different configuration syntaxes and command line options.
> Several years ago I had and still have the following idea in mind, that
> seems to solve all problems. However it applies a restriction on the
> module alias name. And this is its only drawback.
> The alias name (or more correctly the module id) is anything that is
> <modulename>-<subname>. I.e. FvwmScript-ClockMonitor or FvwmForm-Talk.
> Now, a module should receive <subname> and not <alias> as we know it.
> Then this module id is used everywhere straightforwardly:
>   Module FvwmButtons-Monitor -g 240x360
>   KillModule FvwmButtons-Monitor
>   SendToModule FvwmButtons-Monitor PressButton 2
>   *FvwmButtons-Monitor: Colorset 1
> I think, this syntax is pretty clean and self-descriptive. If a module
> does not accept multiple instances, then it may still be accessible as
> FvwmBanner (with no <subname> needed).
> The FvwmForm and FvwmScript configurations shipped with fvwm already
> follow this naming scheme. As well as all modules in fvwm-themes.
> I currently don't see a better solution for module ids.

I like the idea, and it's definitely as clean as it can be. Also,
aliases are exclusive to the configuration, and not visible in daily
use. So there's really no drawback.

I have one question though: how is this meant to be aplied? Is it pre-
or post-2.6?

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