> > > What do people here use (if anything) as a calendar/alarm/PIM
> > > application?
> I have realised that I need something *slightly* different from the
> standard calendar program.  I need something that reminds me of things
> that I have to do on/before a certain date (small company tax
> payments, etc.) so I want a reminder, say, seven days before and then
> a repeating reminder until I tell the reminder program I have done
> what it's reminding me about.
> I did look at remind a while ago and decided it was too complex for
> what I wanted.  I have been using reminderfox (Firefox addon) which
> *almost* does what I want but I can't tell it that I have 'done' an
> event.

iCal can do this.  Mark an entry as a TODO, and it will keep coming back
every day until checked off as done.

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