2009/1/26 Tom Panning <lurc...@gmail.com>:
> All,
> By default, fvwm sets MouseFocus, adds titles and borders, provides
> pages, etc. I want to start out with fvwm doing exactly what X does
> without a window manager, and then I'll add behaviors for specific
> applications. I have to do this because most of the applications on my
> platform don't expect a window manager to be present (and a window
> manager would mess them up), but I want to add a few applications that
> could use window management. I've started by using the commands:

Then you have very odd applications indeed.  But I will humour you nevertheless.

Basically, if you removed every config file FVWM tried to read, it
would still give you some level of decoration as that functionality is
*builtin* to FVWM (see fvwm.c:SetRCDefaults()).  So, let's assume you
do this:

mv $(fvwm-config -d) /somewhere/else
fvwm -f /dev/null

Then you're pretty close.   Basically, FVWM will source $(fvwm-config
-d)/ConfigFvwmDefaults before going on to look for your user specified
config.  To truly make sure nothing in fvwm's datadir is ever sourced,
we move it out of the way.  Then, passing in an option to FVWM to use
/dev/null as its config leaves nothing but what's defined in
SetRCDefaults() but these should be sufficient for you.

I still question *why* you think you need to do this though.

-- Thomas Adam

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