
About the screen size, what I do is to define what elements are going to
have *always* a fixed width. Once done that, it's easier to define the

You could define the geometry of your FvwmButtons as $[vp.width]x32 (or
48, 64... whatever you prefer). Then it's a matter of defining buttons for
whatever fixed-size elements you need. Sum that up, and substract it to
$[vp.width] to get the width of the FvwmIconMan container button. That way
you will have a panel that is suitable for all the width, as long as the
fixed size elements can fit into it. You can use Piperead with some bash
magic to do the calculations, since fvwm has no math capabilities at all.

The rest of what you describe is a matter of picking your applets or
whatever and swallowing them into a button in the panel.

> The problem is that its configuration does not satisfy some of the above
> requirements yet. For instance, the systray and the icon manager do not
> grow if needed. Their size is fixed. Also the configuraton does not
> adapt very well to different screen resolutions.

The panel can be adapted to whatever you need, however I know no way to
resize a button if -let's say- stalonetray suddenly needs more space. I
guess the only workaround is to reserve the space beforehand.

Jesús Guerrero

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