2009/9/15 José Romildo Malaquias <j.romi...@gmail.com>:
> Hello.
> I would like to set a taskbar in FVWM using FvwmButtons with the
> following layout:
> 1) it should be a horizontal tasksbar put at the bottom of the screen
>   and spanning the whole screen width

See FvwmButtons -geometry $[wp.width]-fooxbar

>   b) a set of buttoms to launch specific applications, like a terminal
>      and a text editor; each button should have a fixed size, according
>      to the icon used in each one

See "BoxSize smart" then.

>   c) a pager, also at a fixed size, depending on the number of desktops

It doesn't work that way -- you would generally want to define the button size.

>   d) an icon manager (FvwmIconMan) to handle windows; its size can vary
>      according to the number o icons displayed at the icon manager, and
>      the available space in the buttonsbox, growing from left to right
>      if needed and possible

Not possible.  A running application is not responsible and *cannot*
resize the containing button in that way once FvwmButtons has
reparented it.

>   e) a system icon tray (like stalonetray), with a size that can vary
>      according to the number of icons displayed, growing from right to
>      left if needed

Stalonetray itself can vary its own size depending on the number of
options (read the documentation for it), but again, the containing
button will not.

>   f) some monitors, like a cpu monitor and a network monitor (at fixed
>      sizes)

See xosview.

>   g) a digital clock, like gtkclock or xdaliclock, at a fixed size

See xclock

> 3) the configuration should not directly rely on a specific screen
>   dimension; this means that the same configuration should work on
>   different screen sizes or even on different computers

Then explicitly use the "Size" option (see FVwmButtons manpage)

-- Thomas Adam

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