
... and sorry for this slightly off-topic question - maybe somebody has a tip.
I am a die-hard fvwm user and until recently also used a pretty ancient graphics
card. The setup I got used to combines a fvwm DesktopSize of 3x1 pages with a virtual display size of 1280x1280 (physical size: 1280x1024). After I had to move
to a newer machine, I can't reproduce this setup anymore.

Traditionally, when the actual physical display size is smaller than the defined
virtual display size of the X server, the result was a panning viewport on the
larger display. With the newer graphics card/driver, the "virtual" statement in
the X server configuration is obviously ignored and the display size set to the
physical screen resolution (I assume, this is a result o the RandR extension in
the X server). Does anybody know a way how to get the old behavior back
(preferably without totally disabling RandR)?


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