On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:53:25 +0100
Nathan Hüsken <f...@lonely-star.org> wrote:

Hi Nathan, 

> What is nagging me: besides urxvt and gvim, every application is shown
> with the standard rotatet square icon.
> How can I change it?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the "standard rotated square icon"
If you're thinking about the icon representing it in your menu list,
you can change it to whatever you would like, simply by adding your
desired icon image ie:

AddToMenu ProgramMenu "Programs" Title
+    %<desired icon to display>%"<title>" Exec xterm &

If you're thinking when you're minimizing a window and theres a icon
displayed, then you can make it a miniturize of the window contence by
adding a few hooks ie:

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Test (Restart) All (Iconic) Test\
    (f $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png) WindowStyle IconOverride, \
               Icon $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png

AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I Test (!ToRestart) Exec exec rm -f $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.*

AddToFunc Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I Piperead "xwd -silent -id $[w.id] \
        > $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].xwd"
+ I Iconify
+ I Exec nice -19 convert -resize 32x27 -frame 1x1 -mattecolor black\
              -quality 0 xwd:$[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].xwd\
              FvwmCommand'WindowId $[w.id] WindowStyle IconOverride,\
              Icon $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png, StaysOnBottom'

DestroyFunc DeThumbnail AddToFunc DeThumbnail
+ I DestroyWindowStyle
+ I Exec rm -f $HOME/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].*
+ I Iconify

Then hook the Thumbnail function to your assigned minimize button on
the window setup and hook the DeThumbnail function to the
Iconify-and-Raise function aswell as the Move-or-Iconify

I hope this gives some idears, else take a look at Chris fvwm
configuration: http://www.adebenham.com/files/fvwm/config
As I snagged it from there..


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