On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 12:30:33PM +0100, Michael Treibton wrote:
> hi everyone!
> i have a question with stalonetray and fvwmbuttons. here is my
> fvwmbuttons config -
> *fvwmbuttons: (8x1, Swallow (UseOld,Respawn,NoClose,NoKill)
> `stalonetray` `Exec exec stalonetray --kludges
> force_icons_size,fix_window_pos,use_icons_hints`)
> and my .stalonetrayrc file -
> grow_gravity W
> no_shrink true
> background grey
> icon_size 16
> i have a problem that when i close a program which puts an icon in
> stalonetray, that the stalonetray window then loses other icons and
> seems to shrink the window - even though i've told stalonetray not to.
> this is not right - is it because i am using stalonetray in fvwmbuttons?
> does anyone else have this problem?

No -- but from my testing of your situation, it seems like stalonetray is
doing some *very* odd things with its client geometry.

Does setting:  geometry or max_geometry in your .stalonetrayrc help any?  I
suspect not, since looking at the code, stalonetray is always dispositioned
to change its geometry on request of certain events.  :)

I think its author is on this list -- I am sure he'll pick this up in due
course, or if not, he has contact details on stalonetray's home page.

-- Thomas Adam

"Deep in my heart I wish I was wrong.  But deep in my heart I know I am
not." -- Morrissey ("Girl Least Likely To" -- off of Viva Hate.)

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