On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:08:40PM +0100, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:
> I am noting a funny (and sort of annoying behaviour) when using
> firefox and acrobat reader in a fvmw session under suse 11.3 (newly
> installed).
> The topmost menu bar (File Edit ...) has white text onto black
> background, although I do not have any X resource in .Xdefaults
> which makes that.
> The same colour applies to all pull down menus, and for acrobat also
> to the bookmark window.
> The remaining menu bars and widget are normal (black on light grey).
> Actually the problem occurs both for a test user which imported all
> my old personal configuration (.Xdefaults, .mozilla/* etc. .fvmw) as
> well for a test user created afresh which has none of those files
> (and uses for fvwm the system-bundled fvwmrc ... actually it is
> using the one recently modified by Thomas Adams as a kind reply to a
> recent post of mine).
> The problem does not occur if firefox or acrobat are run from KDE.
> So this makes me think of some sort of interference, like firefox
> and acrobat are picking up those resources from somewhere in the
> fvwm configuration, or not finding something they expect.
> I would be glad to override this with X resources, but I'm not sure
> firefox and acrobat honour them in the usual way. I tried editres to
> get the widget tree and it returns nothing.
> Any idea of the reason, and a possible workaround within .fvwm2rc ?

Sounds like the Colormap is used up.  Try adding to your .fvwm2rc file:

ColormapFocus FollowsFocus

-- Thomas Adam

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