At Fri, 17 Dec 2010 17:16:49 +0000 Thomas Adam <> wrote:

> On 17 December 2010 17:00, Lucio Chiappetti <> wrote:
> > Or will Thomas Adam have a simpler workaround at .fvwmrc level if this
> > diagnosis makes sense to him ?
> Thomas Adam says it's still not an FVWM problem.  :)
> If it is GTK related, that's down to GTK, although running the whole
> of gnome-settings-daemon is not necessary when you can use things like
> gtk-chtheme to set your .gtkrc stuff up.  Although anything more
> complicated will require you to edit it by hand anyway.

*I* don't seem to have gtk-chtheme installed on my system (CentOS 5.5,
control-center-2.16.0-16.el5, gnome-<mumble>-2.16.0-<mumble>).  I did
run some gnome theme thingy to get the theme stuff setup, but FireFox
seems to want to get the info from gnome-settings-daemon and not by
reading the various dot-files.  The 'theme' settings did not take until I
fired up gnome-settings-daemon. 

*I* would agree it is not a 'FVWM problem' -- it is a *stupidity* with
*some* GTK applications, ones that *assume* that they are running in a 
[GNome] 'desktop manager' environment (with all that is implied with
such an environment) and don't really allow for people who might want
to use these applications under a *different* sort of environment (such
as one without *any* 'desktop manager' running).  These applications
either fallback to something stupid/ugly or leave some appearence
features unset or something -- they just don't have a 'sensible'
*alternitive* way to get the appearence settings.

> -- Thomas Adam

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933 /
Deepwoods Software        --
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