I'm using fvwm 2.6.3 under Gentoo.  In the last couple of days, I've
noticed that the dashed lines separating the desks in the FvwmPager display
disappear when I move to another page.  I can get them back by restarting
X, but then they disappear again when I move off of the initial page.  I
have made no changes in any configuration files.  Fvwm was compiled on
December 13.

My  ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc says:

Xinerama        off

DeskTopSize     3x3

Module          FvwmPager       * *
Style           FvwmPager       Notitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, StartIconic
*FvwmPagerIconGeometry          +0+0

Module          FvwmAuto        500

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