On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 08:06:46PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 08:38:06PM +0100, Thomas Funk wrote:
> > "Thomas Adam" <tho...@fvwm.org> wrote:
> > >> Comments welcome, or even ideas.

Another suggestion for possible projects (seems this list is getting big so any 
presepctive programer will have plenty to choose from) is a better Menu system. 
The main thing I am intersted in seeing is more control over what a single menu 
entry can do.

There are basically two basic ways to go about this, and I think the first is 
probabaly the better fit but the second could be nice if someone has the time 

1) Modify/extend the current menu system to offer more configurability, the 
main thing I am looking for here is say allow for multiple mouse bindings per 
menu entry (a right click and left click could do different things). I think 
FvwmButtons as an example is good for this, each menu item is given a list of 
options/commands. This would allow people to design menus to have say submenus 
on a right click while a default action on a left click which is a common 
feature in lots of wm/de.

2) Rewrite the menu syntax and redsign the object, there was some talk about 
this on the mailing list years ago now and some good ideas for improving menus. 
I don't think this is needed for adding just a few features to the current menu 
and it would break a lot of scripts (fvwm-menu-desktop, fvwm-menu-directory, 
and even distro specific menu generation scripts).


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