Viktor Griph <> writes:

> 2012/9/9 lee <>:
>> Hi,
>> is there a way to specify the position on the screen for a window to
>> appear when a program is started? In this case, I want to appear conky
>> at a particular position on the screen, and conky seems not to know the
>> -geometry option.
> Have a look at the PositionPlacement style option.

Thanks :)

This is wonderful, I didn't realise these placement options are actually
styles. That must be something I remember to be a global option from
fvwm1 ...

"PositionPlacement -0 +0" does what I want very elegantly :)

Another question:

Is it possible to make a "particular window" pop up under the pointer
upon pressing a key? "Particular window" means that I usually have an
rxvt open with a screen session. I don't want this window to be
sticky. When I move to another page of the desktop, I might want to move
this window to the page I'm on and place it on top of other windows
under the pointer by pressing a key.

Moving and raising the window is probably easy. The problem is how to
let fvwm know which window I want to move to the pointer. How could I
identify the window?


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