On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net> wrote:

> If Lenience fixes the problem, the window is not indicating that
> it accepts input.
> Here's the section of the Fvwm man page:
>   The ICCCM states that windows possessing the property
>       Client accepts input or input focus: False
>   should  not   be  given   the  keyboard  input   focus  by   the  window
>   manager.

 all right, dan - thank you for this.  i'm sorted (i can happily live
with editing .fvwm2rc) - i've reported the bug as it turns out that
there are a hell of a lot of other really weird long-standing bugs in
wine related to keyboard/mouse focus being lost, so they've clearly
been struggling to find this for a hell of a long time - lots of
people having difficulties with applications, so the advice you gave
is really helpful: let's hope the wine developers listen, eh?


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