On Mon, 7 Jul 2014 22:05:09 +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:

>It's your application, and I've already given you advice how to
>fix it in a way that every window manager handles properly:  Use
>NorthWestGravity, not StaticGravity.  I'm not going to break
>other applications by changing fvwm to what you think is right.

The matter is not what I think is right. The matter is 
HOW to 'Use NorthWestGravity, not StaticGravity' in the
configuration file fvwm2rc. 

Looking around I have found that 'xwininfo' might be informative. For the 
window in question I get:
  Bit Gravity State: ForgetGravity
  Window Gravity State: StaticGravity

Searching in FLTK-1.3 I found that in fact the values

  attr.bit_gravity = 0; // StaticGravity; 7:NorthWestGravity
  hints->win_gravity = StaticGravity; // NorthWestGravity

are used. After replacing bit_gravity with 7 and win_gravity
with NorthWestGravity, the window in question showed up as

HOW must run the line(s) in fvwm2rc to change these values?


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