On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 08:53:21PM +0000, Jürgen Hartmann wrote:
> Previously, I mailed the output of xev for the Vmware's client and frame
> windows while switching off fullscreen mode, as advised by Dominik Vogt.

Please just call me Dominik.

> Since therein there were UnmapNotify and MapNotify events on the client side
> and a DestroyNotify event for the frame window, I thought that it might be
> useful to have both outputs merged with the events entries being in the right
> temporal order.

Thanks, Jürgen; I've downloaded the binary but hadn't had a chance
to try it yet.  I just need some more time to do that, in the mean
time you don't need to provide more data.  If the binary "works"
as expected, I'll have all the data needed.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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