Thank you, Dominik, for your answer:

> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 08:53:21PM +0000, Jürgen Hartmann wrote:
>> Previously, I mailed the output of xev for the Vmware's client and frame
>> windows while switching off fullscreen mode, as advised by Dominik Vogt.
> Please just call me Dominik.

All right, I will do.

>> Since therein there were UnmapNotify and MapNotify events on the client side
>> and a DestroyNotify event for the frame window, I thought that it might be
>> useful to have both outputs merged with the events entries being in the right
>> temporal order.
> Thanks, Jürgen; I've downloaded the binary but hadn't had a chance
> to try it yet.  I just need some more time to do that, in the mean
> time you don't need to provide more data.  If the binary "works"
> as expected, I'll have all the data needed.

I see. Thank you for the clarification.
So I will patiently await the things coming.

I am really glad that you are willing to help here. Thank you very much.


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