On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 03:10:48PM -0500, Chris Siebenmann wrote:
> > > If you click on the link, it's supposed to print something like:
> > > 
> > >   link  <gtk.Label object at 0x7f64ef58dd70 (GtkLabel at 0x55f69d5c4d40)> 
> > > http://gtk.org
> > > In a configuration with a Mouse 1 binding that includes the Window
> > > context (so W or A), the link can't be activated by clicking mouse-1
> > > and link.py prints nothing. You can however get it to print something
> > > by clicking on the link and then hitting Return to activate the link
> > > through the keyboard.
> > 
> > Okay, this is reproduceable.  I know nothing about python or Gtk+,
> > so this may be easy, but here, when you click on the window, xev
> > prints no ButtonPress or ButtonRelease events at all neither with
> > nor without the binding.  Is there a way so that the program
> > prints all events it sees?
>  I don't know if there's a way to get GTK to do that, but I can
> use the blunt hammer of xtrace here:
>       https://xtrace.alioth.debian.org/
> Based on this, the link.py script is seeing LeaveNotify and EnterNotify
> events before the ButtonPress event. The initial numbers here are
> relative time since program start in seconds, and I left the program
> idle for several seconds to make sure things would stand out (and indeed
> they do):
>       5.042 000:>:0206: Event LeaveNotify(8) detail=Ancestor(0x00) 
> mode=Grab(0x01) flags=same-screen time=0x05ee50ba root=0x0000026d 
> event=0x00600003 child=None(0x00000000) root-x=702 root-y=319 event-x=128 
> event-y=102 state=Button1
> [link.py wakes up and wakes a ton of requests and RENDER-Requests]
>       5.043 000:>:0235: Event UnmapNotify(18) event=0x00600043 
> window=0x00600043 from-configure=false(0x00)
>       5.045 000:>:0235: Event VisibilityNotify(15) window=0x00600003 
> state=Unobscured(0x00)
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event Expose(12) window=0x00600003 x=145 y=117 
> width=38 height=1 count=0x0004
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event Expose(12) window=0x00600003 x=144 y=118 
> width=40 height=1 count=0x0003
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event Expose(12) window=0x00600003 x=143 y=119 
> width=42 height=33 count=0x0002
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event Expose(12) window=0x00600003 x=144 y=152 
> width=40 height=1 count=0x0001
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event Expose(12) window=0x00600003 x=145 y=153 
> width=38 height=1 count=0x0000
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event EnterNotify(7) detail=Ancestor(0x00) 
> mode=Ungrab(0x02) flags=same-screen time=0x05ee50bd root=0x0000026d 
> event=0x00600003 child=None(0x00000000) root-x=702 root-y=319 event-x=128 
> event-y=102 state=Button1
>       5.046 000:>:0235: Event ButtonPress(4) button=left button(0x01) 
> time=0x05ee50ba root=0x0000026d event=0x00600003 child=None(0x00000000) 
> root-x=702 root-y=319 event-x=128 event-y=102 state=0 same-screen=true(0x01)
> (Some of those expose events are presumably because of the various
> requests and render requests it issued immediately after the LeaveNotify.)
>  In looking at this carefully, I did notice another anomaly in link.py's
> behavior (which you may have also noticed). When I initially move the
> mouse pointer over the actual link, it turns from a plain pointer into
> a hand-pointer, presumably to signal that this is a clickable link, and
> the program also pops up a tooltip for the link destination. When I
> click on the link and nothing happens, this immediately changes back to
> the regular pointer; in fact, this change happens on the button press
> (which I can see if I click down and hold). This doesn't happen with
> working clicks, where a button-press leaves the cursor unchanged.
>  I wonder if GTK is (mis-)processing the LeaveNotify here as 'the mouse
> pointer is leaving the link', instead of 'mouse has been grabbed from me'.

That's just what I think.  The program seems to believe it has
lost focus and stops processing button events.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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