Le 01/10/2017 à 14:43, Thomas Adam a écrit :
> On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 12:52:22AM +0200, Didier Spaier wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I like very much FVWM, especially the ability it gives the user to
>> easily manage individually a big number of windows.
>> But I would like that the users of the Slint Linux distribution that
>> I maintain be able to save and restore their sessions.
> Unfortunately, this is not really something FVWM can help with these days.
> While FVWM does have good XSM support, a lot of the other DEs out there seem
> to have implemented their own idea of how to save the state of open windows,
> without there being a commonality across DEs and WMs.
> FVWM used to have FvwmSave and FvwmSaveDesk, but I removed these as they were
> fundamentally broken.   They relied on the application setting WM_COMMAND
> which only a few applications bothered to set (mostly X11 applications) so
> that won't work with more recent applications.
> So all in all, you're better off manually defining applications to start
> during StartFunction.

Well, one could as well put a .desktop for them in ~/.config/autostart.

Anyway my point is not which applications to start at boot, rather the
ability to save the session when logging out or rebooting, then
restoring it at next log in. Which Windowmaker does internally:
If the user have to interrupt her work and wants to get it back in
the same state later, she can click Save Session then leave, either with
Quit (stopping FVWM and X) or through an external logout feature (in 
Slint lxlogout for LXDE, wm-logout for the WMs used standalone.)

Granted, not all applications will be restored in their previous state,
but that can still save a lot of time.

On the other hand, if you choose not to (re)develop this feature I'd
suggest to edit the man page, as reading it made me think that session
management was still available as described above. Maybe I just
misunderstood this man pages as English is not my native language, but
I guess and hope that I am not the only user in this category.

[quoted lines from Jaimos Skriletz]
> Have you read this older article, http://linuxgazette.net/100/adam.html?
> Maybe xsm will work for your needs, the info about the gnome session
> manager is most likely out dated in that article though.

Yes I have read it, but gnome-session would need to ship too many deps:
we will now ship in the ISO Xfce, LXDE, KDE4 TWM, FVWM, WindowMaker,
Blackbox, Fluxbox and Maté is easily added, but not Gnome.

[quoted lines from Dr. Nikolaus Klepp]
> As far as I have experienced, most "modern" application that use GNOME
> or KDE framework do not support  X Session Management despite their
> window positions. Anything more sophisticated does not work, GNOME 
> applications do not support KDEs session management and vice versa.
> "konsole" from KDE does not restore its tabs under GNOME, "terminator"
> does not restore its split screen and tabs under KDE or GNOME ... As
> far as I have experienced session management, it's quite broken today.

Maybe. But still saving sessions in Xfce or Maté or KDE4 works somehow,
even with limitations. And in WindowMaker too, as already said.

Best regards,


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