On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 06:58:55PM +0530, Bhupendra Kumar Jain wrote:
> Hi Adam,

It's Thomas, actually.  Adam is my surname.

Oh, and don't drop the 'fvwm@fvwm.org' from replies.  I don't do private FVWM

> I didn't understand the solution you just mentioned. Can you please
> elaborate each step please as I have not used fvwm much and am failing to
> understand the use?

  Style * InitialMapCommand CheckMe

This defines a style line for all windows (indicated by '*') which will then
instruct FVWM to run a function (indicated by 'CheckMe') whenever a new window
is mapped (indicated by the 'InitialMapCommand' style option).  Mapped is just
a techical Xlib term for "initially visible on the screen".

The CheckMe function then, has to check the condition of all windows created.
Since this is a FVWM function, we have to define it like so:

  DestroyFunc CheckMe
  AddToFunc   CheckMe

The next line:

  + I ThisWindow (SomeClass) Move x y z

Is telling the function that as soon as it is called from a command (that's
what the 'I' means -- it stands for "Immediate"), the window is checked for a
condition.  "ThisWindow" is the window we've just mapped -- it's a way of
telling FVWM which window.  The condition of this test "SomeClass" is just
that -- a way of identifying which window we want to have the Move command
applied to.

Another way of doing this would be:

  Style SomeProgramOfMine InitialMapCommand Move x y z

Thomas Adam

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