On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 9:35 AM Peter Holm <peter.g.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is more or less a follow up from my earlier question.
> I have this
> ---
> Key             Space           A               M               State 
> $[infostore.transi] True
> Key             Space           A               C               State 
> $[infostore.transi] False
> ..
> AddToFunc StartFunction
> + I InfostoreAdd  transi 31
> ....
> Then when I switch desk/workspace I  let the window(s) follow me

Why not just use Sticky for this. No need to define a custom state to
make it so windows move to a new workspace (pages/desktops) when you

(sorry for the duplicate reply, forgot to CC the list)


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