
this is an *untested* idea: There's `FakeKeypress` documented in
fvwm(1), which seems to send a keypress event to an application.  I
assume, that for each binding you have in yout setup, like

    Key <key> <context> <mod> <command...>

you would have to add something like

    Key <myEscKey> <context> <myEscModifier> FakeKeypress \
        press <mod> press <key> release <key> release <mod>

to make myEscModifier-myEscKey escape key from FVWM and send it to the
client instead.

But the documentation about how `release` relates to `press` is a bit
thin, and the manual explicitly states that this may ot work at all.

I have no further knowledge about this, never used it.

For me, I've decided to control all window manager interactions with
mod4 bound to the logo keys, and the menu-key (next to the tight Ctrl
on US keyboards).  These are usually not used by applications.


http://stefan-klinger.de                                        o/X
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