
thanks to somiaj, this is now solved:
It seems to be a bug in Firefox, and there's a workaround:
Set the Firefox-setting "widget.gtk.ignore-bogus-leave-notify" to "1".
Details: https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3/issues/992

Big thanks to somiaj,

On 2024-03-25 17:02:14 +0100, Roland Freikamp wrote:
> Hi,
> since a recent update (of fvwm, Firefox, or Xorg),
> some fvwm-mouse-bindings break Website-menus in Firefox on Linux.
> It worked fine previously.
> Details:
> - Fvwm-configuration:
>   I used Super_L + left mouse-button to move/raise/lower windows,
>   which is really handy:
>   Mouse 0  W  4  move-and-raise-or-raiselower
>   DestroyFunc move-and-raise-or-raiselower
>   AddToFunc   move-and-raise-or-raiselower
>   + "M" Move
>   + "M" Raise
>   + "C" RaiseLower
> - Website menus:
>   Many websites use menus, which open on mouse-hover. Then, you have
>   to click on a menu item, and the link of the menu item opens.
>   Minimal example:
>   https://www.simple-is-better.org/firefox-dropdown-bug/
>   Correct behaviour: Click on A/B/C should result in a opening
>   a.html/b.html/c.html with e.g. "Success: A".
> - Since a recent update, I cannot open any menu item anymore.
>   When I click on a menu item, instead of opening the menu-item-link,
>   the menu is only closed (and a link behind the menu is activated,
>   if there is any).
>   If I remove the mouse-binding, it works again.
> It happens both in fvwm2 and fvwm3, and at least with all Firefox >=120.
> Is this a known issue, and is there any fix/workaround?
> Versions:
> - fvwm3 1.0.8 / fvwm 2.7.0
> - Firefox: 123.0 and others
> - X.Org X Server
> - Linux, NixOS 23.11
> Best regards
> Roland

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