hi mikhael

thanx for your reply

i'm using fvwm-2.4.16

On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> On 08 Sep 2005 18:03:22 -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
> > 
> > - i've been trying to make a compact flash based X11 w/ fvwm
> I don't really understand what "flash based X11" means. I suppose you
> simply want to configure fvwm and you read its man page already.

i'm creating a linux distro that runs completely within the compact flash

there is no cd, no hard disk

> > - my main machine, slackware-10.1 has fvwm with menu icon

i am taking a working slackware system ( 8GB ) and squeezing it into
1GB compact flash

> If you use a configuration created by someone (distribution specific or
> not),

their distro works fine with the fvwm menu icons
however, i'm forgetting something in my CF version

> >     fvwm-root /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/mini-mail.xpm
> >     fvwm-root /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/mini-nscape.xpm 
> > 
> > - these icons does not show in the menu items nor in FVWMButtons
> Please post the configuration lines that use these icons.

the fvwm-root commands was my test, to see that the mini-mail.xpm
files are visible in X11  ... even if it was not in the fvwm menu
> > - what apps or libs is used to disply the menu icons ??
> fvwm or its modules do it using internal libfvwm.

that is what i was looking for, however, there is no such file in

the fvwm files i know about are:

        /usr/X11R6/libexec/fvwm/2.4.16/FVWM* ( 36 fvwm commands )


        /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.fvwm2   ( or xinitrc.fvwm95 )

> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> >     - i already have copied the entire fvwm tree and x11 lib
> >             /usr/X11R6/share/fvwm/
> > 
> >     - i'm selectively copying from
> >             /usr/X11R6/lib/xscreensaver
> >             /usr/X11R6/lib/modules ( for the svga chipset )
> What exactly did you copy from and to? You should not copy the fvwm tree
> (whatever it means), you should install fvwm (if it is not already) using
> "./configure PARAMS; make; make install" commands.

i do NOT want the fvwm/doc and fvwm/html and man pages etc..etc..

i am not copying from source, but just recreating the fvwm binaries
that already exists in slackware-10.1

> Here is an example configuration that should work for you:

the unmodified sample config file that system should be using is

        139587 Jan 31  2005 /usr/X11R6/share/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc-sample-95

        and i do NOT have any ~/.fvwm* 

>   ImagePath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps:+

this variable is NOT defined ( commented out ) in the above system.fvwrmrc
        - i'll start to play with that variable and see what happens

> The first ImagePath line is only needed if you don't have this directory
> defined already.

that ImagePath is not defined in the above config file

>  I do have it, run "fvwm-config --default-imagepath".


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