On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 21:13:09 +0000, Thomas Adam wrote

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 07:46:53AM +1100, Felix Karpfen wrote:
>> Most of the time, my setup works very well.
> I recall helping you set it up.  :)
>> - fvwm2 + Nautilus causes a lock-up; 
>> - fvwm2 + Nautilus + Gnome
>> Session Manager causes an unrecoverable crash.
> If it dumps a corefile, can you send us a backtrace via gdb?  It ought
> to probably be sent to fvwm-workers.

The crash was really _very_ serious and I am not eager to repeat it.

The root directory switched to "read-only" mode and the computer could
not be shut down cleanly.  In fact it could only be shut down by
switching off the power.

And after switching the power back, I had to run fsck manually to let
the computer clean up the mess - which took quite a time.  And I lost
several of my few remaining hairs while biting my fingernails and
wondering whether the crash was beyond fsck's ability to fix.

I have never attempted to use a "corefile" but, from a very distant
memory, I believe it sits in /var/log/wtmp.  Is that correct?

While running fvwm2 with the Gnome Session Manager opened up
attractive new routines and possibilities, I think the price is too
high.  In 5 years of Linux, I have never encountered crashes such as
the two crashes that I have managed to survive in the past few weeks.

If there is no simple tweak to my existing fvwm2 configuration then
then I would prefer to live without "session management" (as I did
successfully for several years).

To make my query more <concrete|precise>:

"fvwm2 offers two "Theme Settings Screens" called "Theme Settings
(form)" and "Themes Settings (gtk)".  What documentation should I read
to use these two screens intelligntly - assuming that the defaults
need changing if I choose to use Nautilus and/or the Gnome session

Felix Karpfen

Felix Karpfen

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