On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> On 03 Sep 2002 12:02:41 +0000, Bruce M Beach wrote:
> >
> > 1)  I am at this point using 2.5.2 more or less because I have to.
> I think your short description (in another thread) is not enough to
> understand the problem. Please add more details to that message.
> What is the "mouse-menu" problem and what to do exactly to reproduce it.
  It wasn't really a bug report. I was just commenting on
  the two development releases fvwm-2.5.2 and fvwm-2.5.3
  since Dominik is rewriting this area it wouldn't make sense to
  submit a bug report at this time.

> > 2)  It looks like the following are not getting execute permission
> >     when installed. For instance:
> >         sh-2.05b# fvwm-bug
> >         sh: /usr/local/bin/fvwm-bug: Permission denied
> >     A chmod fixes it.
> >    fvwm-bug
> >    fvwm-menu-desktop ...........
> Seems unlikely to me that they are installed without a+x.
> Please do the following:
>   #cd fvwm_installation_dir
>   cd bin/
>   make uninstall  # as root ...........

   I tried the above. Make install works fine but if you
       make -k install-strip
   then the problem occurs.

> This depends on how you start the fvwm executable. If you call it in
> ~/.xinitrc without redirection to a file, the output will be together
> with the X output, possibly on your virtual console.
   Thanks for the info. The above idea does what I want. i.e
   startx >>/var/log/win_system_log 2>&1
   gives me everything.

   What I had in mind was the thread on the bash syntax. If
   a log was running I would have immediately seen

  /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'

  and now that I have have the log running I notice that I have
  a million errors in my fvwm2rc script.


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