On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Michael Fischer wrote:

> Hi
> I searched the past year's worth of archive, which
> at best pointed me to the manpage, and tried
> every combination out of the manpage, but no luck.
> I say all this as it probably is the next best thing
> to an FAQ.
> What I want is a 1 column, 4 row FvwmButtons, where
> (counting from top to bottom), the sizes are
> 68x68
> 68x68
> 68x252
> 68x68
> I have tried all combinations I could think of
> of specifying the app's -geometry, geometry as
> an option on the Button, Size, etc.
> So far I have gotten at best either a Buttons
> with all parts 68x68, or one with all parts 68x252.
> Here is a chunk of .fvwm2rc which does the latter
> *MailBoxGeometry -1+1
> *MailBoxBack black
> *MailBoxColumns 1
> *MailBox: (Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xeyes" \
>                 `Exec exec xeyes -geometry 68x68`)
> *MailBox: (Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xclock" \
>                 `Exec exec xclock -bg black -fg turquoise  -geometry 68x68 \
>                 -hd turquoise -hl turquoise -padding 0 -update 1`)
> *MailBox: (Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "gkrellm" \
>                 `Exec exec gkrellm` Size 68 252)
> *MailBox: (Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "kbiff" \
>                 `Exec exec kbiff -profile Inbox`)
> Note that changing the first line to
> *MailBoxGeometry 68x456-1+1
> Only squishes the 3rd app, making every button
> 114 tall.
> Clear 1 column (or 1 row) examples, even if they are complicated
> are most welcome and appreciated.
> Thanks in advance, and for the good work.

I could be wrong, but...
I have a comment in my .fvwm2rc that says:

# Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK
*FvwmButtonsGeometry -5-34

I believe my button size is determined by the size of the xpm images I
stuck in there.  The only button I have that's larger is xload and it's
double-sized.  Check this out:

*FvwmButtons(2x1, Title load, \
             Swallow(UseOld) "xload" 'Exec xload \
                     -nolabel -bg grey60 -update 5 -geometry -1500-1500 &')

Maybe something like that will work for you, too.
I hope this helps...
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