Just to ad my two cents to this, I found the fvwm documentation overwhelming
and not terribly useful to someone trying to get it configured from scratch.
I am coming at this as a computer professional with a great deal of
expertise with computers, software, and programming.  I had to hack my way
through this by starting with an existing configuration, taking what worked
to my liking on blind faith, and tweaking what I wanted changed. I still have
no idea what many options mean exactly or what the ramifications would be of
a switching values.  There is really no easy way to figure this out.  It is
also no clear what the various modules do or how/why I would use them.  I
think some form of startup guide would immensly useful.

On the positive side, the support here is tremendous and my questions are
usually answered quickly and concisely with the exact information I need.


>>>>> "CL" == Catherine Luedecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   CL> I would agree that the man page is quite a bit to get thru.  I went to
   CL> my local library to print out the pages and it was quite a huge task. 

   CL> I think what is hardest for me is understanding what all those commands
   CL> and options really do.  I still am not using fvwm as my everyday window
   CL> manager because I am trying to get thru all of the options to make it
   CL> just perfect. I know that there are other ways around it but if I cant
   CL> understand it, I cant use it.

   CL> Cat

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   CL> To report problems, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jake Colman                     

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Harborside Financial Center               Fax: (201) 946-0320
902 Plaza Two                          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jersey City, NJ 07311                  www.principiapartners.com
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