
I have my desktop configured with taskbar+pager+gkrellm all in a 103 pixel
width column at the left of the screen, so when I maximize a window, most of
the times I want this vertical bar to remain visible; for this I wrote the
next little function:

DestroyFunc Maxitotal
AddToFunc Maxitotal
+ I     Maximize 92 100
+ I     Move 103p 0p

It works fine when maximizing a window, the problem comes when unmaximizing
it, it returns the window to its original size, but not to its original 
position, so it's a bit odd...

I wonder how should I do it, is there any variable where is stored the
original position of the window? maybe should I use any kind of conditional
sentence so the "move" command is just executed when the window is not

Thanks for your help:


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