On 02 Jun 2006 16:00:19 +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
>   PlaceNewWindowAtTheRight XT "xterm -name XT +sb"
> This works (it prompts for a window and places a new xterm at the right
> of it, with gap of 2 pixels). However the next line does not work in the
> current cvs although it should work too:
>   Next (FvwmConsole) PlaceNewWindowAtTheRight XT "xterm -name XT +sb"
> Seems like "Pick" is broken, it does not reuse the already existing
> context window correctly and thus variables like $[w.x] are not expanded.
> Dominik, would you like to fix "Pick"? So the following minimal example
> works (it does not currently):
>   AddToFunc testing I Pick Echo $[w.x]
>   Next (FvwmConsole) testing

After Restart, I can't reproduce this problem anymore, i.e. $[w.x] is
always expanded as expected in all my tests. Previously, it was left as
is in the described case. So, the problem is possibly larger and is not
trivial to reproduce. If you encounter anything like this, please report.

As of now, all code posted in the previous message works as expected.
Just a minor note, if you want to paste the whole code into FvwmConsole,
then the prefered way to start FvwmPerl is using ModuleSynchronous.


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